Okay, not just someone has HEARD THE CALL but one of my very closest & dearest friends. I'm sure if you are reading this post you will recognize the name Kristy Northcutt, she was the girl that flew half way around the world with me to bring Cooper Charles home, what a friend!!! Kristy is one of the most compassionate, loving, loves the simple things in life kinda girl, sweet, funny, sincere, & GODLY women I have ever known, she and her mother have been a constant inspiration to me through out my life. My family & I just feel totally blessed and honored to be a part of her adoption journey.
PLEASE PRAY!!!!! Kristy and her mom leave in 8 days for her March 1st Court date. Pray for their safe travels, pray that they will remain healthy, pray for Kristy's sweet baby girl, pray that they will pass Court on March 1st!!!. This trip will be full of soooooo many emotions, Kristy will have her sweet baby girl for almost a week and then will have to come home without her, yes, you read correctly, she will not be able to bring her home until she has passed court then flies over again for their Embassy appt., 6-8 weeks later. I can't imagine, I'm crying trying to see my computer screen just thinking about how emotional & hard this will be to say the very least. So please pray, that all will go well on March 1st and that the Embassy appt., will be sooner than later and that our father will comfort Kristy and her sweet baby girl until they can be together FOREVER!!! Also you can follow her blog , she also has a blog from when she was in Thailand you can read up on the amazing things she was doing when she was over there, she is an amazing woman and going to make one amazing mama(did I mention her mama is pretty amazing as well), I try and take a little credit in how wonderful Kristy is because I use to be her babysitter, ha!!!! Here's Kristy's blog http://givensomuch.blogspot.com/
When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:14